Splink, a Singapore based company, is a social sports platform that aims to make sports accessible to everyone globally. Splink empowers their users, from finding sports players, to organizing & managing sports activities, helping people to play more & be more. Using AI technology, we aim to enable the matching of sport players & activities, with just the click of a button. Down the path of being the leading social sports platform, Splink also partners with wellness brands & merchants, to reward our users through healthy practices, as well as to allow the booking of facilities through our platform.

During the pandemic restrictions, people all around the world were constricted to their own homes, leading to high level of inactivity, & increased in mental health problems. With the globe approaching the endemic state, many of us can’t wait to leave our homes, in hopes of socializing with others & being out once again.
For Splink, we hope to bring back the love of sports & socializing, as well as a healthy & active lifestyle through the connection of people & communities. From our recent launch, we hosted multiple events, from hosting a Arcade basketball competition amongst our users, to collaborating with Sonic Bowl to give out free bowling vouchers for our users to enjoy!

Our mission is to create a world where users of all skill levels can tap into any sports at anywhere, anytime. We want to build a place where users can play freely, away from judgements & opinions, learn, or rediscover their love for sports. We want to build not just a place, but a community filled with passionate & supportive individuals. (PR)
For more info, please visit https://splink.sg